Tonia Bangs



Age: 29


Summary: student and member of Cedar Lake Christian Assembly in Biloxi, Mississippi who was hospitalized in critical condition at an intensive care unit for more than two months from traumatic injuries caused by the floodwaters received in the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Katrina tropical cyclone that struck the southeastern United States in late August 2005 causing unprecedented death and destruction along the U.S. Gulf Coast with the highest number of lives lost and the most severe damage took place mostly in New Orleans, Louisiana where the flood protection system failed, in which it was ranked as one of the five deadliest hurricanes and the costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States.



Cause of Death: Complications from injuries due to Hurricane Katrina


Born: November 28, 1975


Died: November 9, 2005


Location: Biloxi, Mississippi