Michael Brewster



Age: 52


Summary: British chartered civil engineer and senior project manager at Derbyshire County Council in the non-metropolitan county of Derbyshire, England who supervised the construction of one of the most spectacular Millennium projects around the county, the Torrs Millennium Walkway, a 150-metre footpath that runs alongside the River Goyt and received the small project award at the British Construction Industry Awards in 2000, who had been responsible for several key projects during his career with the council, including the Pride Park bridge in Derby County's football stadium and more recently the award-winning Millennium Walkway in the Torrs Gorge in Derbyshire, which runs about six metres above the river and was completed in December 1999 with support from the Millennium Commission.



Cause of Death: Killed in a suicide bombing


Born: March 22, 1953


Died: July 7, 2005


Location: London, England