Lucia de Jesus dos Santos



Age: 97


Summary: Portuguese Roman Catholic nun and the last of three children who claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary in a series of 1917 apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, where she and two of her cousins said in 1917 that the Virgin Mary had been appearing to them once a month and predicting events such as world wars, the emergence of Christianity in Russia, and the 1981 attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, in which the appearances took place on the 13th day of each month and the first sighting was May 13 but the appearances continued for another five months ending abruptly in October (the cousins died shortly after), who became a Roman Catholic nun and wrote two memoirs while living in convents.



Cause of Death: Cardiorespiratory failure


Born: March 28, 1907


Died: February 13, 2005


Location: Coimbra, Portugal